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Mario Figueiredo: "I can safely forget all I know about SQL when using SQLite Maestro. It is that easy and intuitive to use. It is also nicely drawn with an easy and appealing interface that makes the sometimes boring tasks of database maintenance and administration more endurable.
The decision to support the non-commercial use of your software with a lower price is absolutely worth mentioning. For that alone, I thank you. For everything else, I say keep up the good work".
Johnattan Badden, Manager: "The software is easy to work with and most importantly, report management is extremely easy, even for a novice like me! I am able to create and edit my databases with a few clicks and easily maintain them afterwards. I highly recommend SQLite Maestro to educational institutions: it's easy and flexible, it is exactly what can be good for using in schools and colleges".


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Get SQL Dump

Get SQL Dump Wizard allows you to export data from a table or a query result to the SQL script as a number of INSERT statements.


In order to get a SQL dump from a table or a query:


open the table in Table Editor or open and execute query in SQL Editor or Query Builder;
open the Data tab or the Result tab respectively;
use the Get SQL Dump item of the Navigation Bar.



See also: Export Data Wizard, SQL Script Editor


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